

We, at Timothy Ministries, believe that God takes sad situations and brings something good from them. This year, one of our own short-term missionaries, Tom Amundson, died of cancer. Tom was part of many teams that we sent to Europe over that last 9 years. He had a magnificent music ministry and was a leader in sharing and living his personal testimony for Jesus Christ. Often, Tom said that going on short-term mission "changed his life and deepened his desire to offer Christ to the world, overseas and here at home, in his local church." Our mission family wants to continue Tom's vision of helping people go on short-term mission for the Lord.

To that end, Timothy Ministries is offering Short-Term Missionary Scholarships to any born-again believer who is willing to serve Jesus as part of a team ministering here or abroad. The amounts of the scholarships are variable, depending on need. The criteria are:

  1. An applicant must give testimony of a personal, saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and be able to adequately explain why he/she feels called to short-term mission.
  2. An applicant must be part of a team sponsored by a Bible-based, Christ-centred church and/or mission organization. References are needed from both pastor and mission leader.
  3. The main emphasis for the mission trip must be evangelistic.
  4. An applicant must have tried to raise funds & finds that they still need additional help to reach 100%.
If you or your church knows someone in need, have them apply, in writing, to:
2447 Fieldstone Lane
Beloit, WI 53511