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(BELOIT, WI - 6/26/2007) SUMMER 2007


Tuesday, January 06, 2009
News feed: 

Larry and Susan Correll


Dear Friends and Partners of the Corrells,

It's time for our quarterly update on the work of the people of Timothy Ministries, worldwide. We have the joy of sharing the stories of God with you, again. So, here goes!

The mission team that went to Mexico had the challenging, but fulfilling, task of constructing the steel frame of a tabernacle for the Naco Bible Training Centre in the Mexican State of Sonora. While there, they participated in & led worship, testimony, and outreach services with the Native American believers in the region. Though a very difficult & exhausting ministry, the team felt well used by the Lord as His servants. Our thanks to Buck, Mary, Rudy, Marty, Ron, Dick, Mike, Michael, Tim, Alex, & Jacob.

In South Africa, we were able to open our first, new extension campus of Kum Bible College 100 miles east of our main campus in Lujizweni. Half of our students were new to the school, enrolling for the first time. We had believed that opening the new KBC Centre in Six Trees would allow us to access an entirely new area of the country... and it proved to be true. Our 29 July graduation was a success as five pastors and evangelists received theft Diplomas in Theology, bringing our total number of KBC graduates to 31. All are on the field in active, rural ministry.

We had the privilege of seeing miracles and healings this summer an "inoperable tumor" miraculously removed from the lung and windpipe of Japheth, our KBC treasurer, the restoration of an arm and hand that had been severely damaged in an auto accident, and the salvation of a local witchdoctor in a neighboring village. We saw our God mightily at work and we were humbled to be a part of His miracles.

We ask, again, for your support and prayers as we organize our itinerary for the next 14 months. This autumn, we will be visiting churches and partners in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In 2007, we have legitimate invitations to conduct Bible Training Conferences in Belgium, England, Tanzania, Congo, Swaziland and Ghana, along with our regular teaching at Kum Bible College (see 2006 Africa images). We want to be able to answer those "calls" to minister. So, we've included a "wish list" for travel funds, above and beyond the need for regular monthly support.

We believe the Holy Spirit will open hearts so that we may preach and teach where we are needed. Thank you for loving us, supporting us; and more than that, thank you for loving and caring about the work of our Lord Jesus Christ! It is an honor to represent the Lord, and you, on the mission fields around the world. Philippians 1:3 to all of you!



Larry, Susan and three African Ladies

Timothy Team, Naco, Mexico 2006
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Timothy Team and Mexican Team, Naco, Mexico 2006
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Steel frame for the new tabernackle
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Children and Youth worship, Naco, Mexico
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The drum set that is being used at the church in Naco.
The church in Winneconne, WI collected money and paid for the
drum set after the Timothy Team
had been to Naco.
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Clare Cottage, 1724 Crescent Beloit WI 53511 USA Phone: Fax:

(BELOIT, WI - 8/21/2006)  Larry and Susan Correll have returned safely from South Africa!

 2006 Africa images

We had excellent travel connections...33 hours over to the college, no problems. We went to Africa carrying invalid tickets for our return, due to some major co-share re-alignments between South Africa Airways, Delta, and United. But, upon arrival, we easily sorted things out and were given valid return tickets. God is the Master of even the most complicated travel details...we knew we had nothing to worry about... and we didn't! Once on the ground, we went to preach a "revival" in a government location called Shayamoya, in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. We had been there twice before, but this time was really special. Four services under a tent in the township location, and four services out on the mountain farms up near Lesotho and the Drakensberg Mountains... cold, primitive, deep night, where we either had to drive our vehicle 30-40Km over "non-existant roads, over very narrow bridges across great rivers like the Umzimvubu, or walk long distances up mountains in the dark of night to reach a small hut where Christians had gathered to hear the Word of God, by candlelight. We saw believers mightily revived and several lost souls give their lives to Jesus.

From there we went to Six Trees village 160Km from the KBC main campus, where we opened an eastern college extension campus and commenced Bible teaching and Ministry training there, on the east side of a great ridge of mountains that run down to the Indian Ocean. We had a great celebration service with over 500 people as we opened Kum Bible College East. Half of our students were first-timers, newly enrolled...men and women from an entirely new area of South Africa, now able to have access to ministry training. What an incredible excitement and praise for God as He blessed His plans for expansion of the KBC mission. During our month-long stay in Six Trees, we were witnesses to several miracles, including the salvation of a local witchdoctor and the subsequent power battle with Satan for the demonic control of the witchdoctor's kraal (homestead). God's Holy Spirit WON the battle and there was a palpable cleansing of the location three nights after the evangelism meeting.

We saw physical healings of arms, hands, hips, and legs, and one of our 14 year old boys was drowned in the ocean, only to be carried out of the water and through God's miraculous intervention, this boy is alive today. God provided a series of miraculous events that brought the boy back from death with NO brain damage at all.

Today, he is in school and is grappling with a new, deep knowledge that God spared his life for some great future purpose. As I taught 8 hours a day at the college, then did another hour or two, daily, of tutorials with our students, Sue worked hard in developing the Christian pre-school, training teachers and actually working in the classroom with the pupils, ages 3 to 9. She led a house-to-house prayer ministry in the evenings, and she and I preached and shared testimonies every night in the surrounding villages.

Finally, back at the KBC main campus in Lujizweni, we finished teaching the winter term of classes for 2006. At the conclusion we prepared for our 3rd Graduation Ceremony for our five students who completed all requirements for the Diploma in Theology, four young pastors and one young evangelist. What an wonderful, worshipful celebration, just electric with emotion, praise, and hope for the success of the Gospel in this part of Africa! This event was followed by a 20th Anniversary Service for the indigenous Christian fellowship with whom we work, Anointed Voice of Africa Ministries and its bishop, Joseph Kobo and his wife. On the weekend, we took part in our yearly Youth Convention where we ministered to over 700 teens and young adults, concluding with a deeply moving service of Holy Communion on the KBC campus.

Is KBC growing? As of this writing, we have among our graduates and current students a total of 122 people taking training with us, all from seven evangelical churches and five countries, including Congo and Cameroon. At each of our TWO campuses, now, we will be able to offer classes for ministry training four times a year, under the tutelege of Bishop Kobo, Pastor Edmunds Flatela, Pastor Ewart Masondo, and myself. We have valued, and will value, continued visiting lecturers from Africa, England, and the United States, who come to assist once every 2 or 3 years.

Little by little, the prophetic idea of Kum Bible College is not only becoming reality, but extending far beyond what any of us could've ever imagined. We praise and glorify the Name of our Lord Jesus for His far-thinking and far-reaching vision. The work will never be done until He comes. Until then, we want to equip, enable, and encourage the African believers to "sweep across the African continent like a divine tsunami, changing the course of history with the powerful wind of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the holy rain of the Spirit of God!" We have heard that call on our lives more clearly than ever.

So, we return to America to tell the stories of God, to preach His Word, and to ignite fires in the hearts of people who will listen. Amen.

The Naco Team is also home!!! - and glad to be here. It was a good month, and had heat up to 117 degrees. They also experienced the monsoon season in Arizona - Marty Zuniga said, "I didn't even know they had one!!!!"

The guys got a lot done on the church building, although not as much as they had hoped. It took 4 days just to get the materials and supplies there - then they had to get tools, too. Rudy Zuniga sure used his Spanish - don't know what we'd have done without him. The team went from the work site to the Chief of Police's office to Customs and all over in a 50 mile radius trying to get the supplies they needed.

For more than 30 years Indian Trails has been providing spiritual and practical ministry to Native American Indians in the Americas including the southwest and in Mexico. Senderos de Misiones Bible Training Center - a ministry of The Indian Trails Mission in Naco, Arizona. The Naco Ministry Training Center will provide intensified scriptural preparation for those called to Gospel service including pastors, teachers, and laity.
They saw God work in many small ways. Mary and Marty did housework the whole time and on a larger scale than normal - cooked, did daily laundry for 12 people - cleaned house, made daily trips to the Safeway grocery store and cooked some more.

Thank you! to the Timothy Ministries Naco team for all your hard work! The Naco team is listed below:

  • Rudy and Marty Zuniga
  • Russell and Mary Van Zandt
  • Richard Thompson
  • Ron Bergman
  • Timothy Vesterfeldt
  • Jacob Vesterfeldt
  • Michael Rhyner
  • Alex Sohrweide
  • Michael Vincent
(BELOIT, WI - 7/31/2006)
The Naco Team (part are leaving for Mexico 4 July), the rest go down on 8 July... to build the Tabernaculo at the Bible Training Centre. We put all of our short-term missionaries through a couple of sessions of training before we send them out. Please pray that God will "seal the deal" for several guys. We've gotten 7 definite commitments and need between 5 to 7 more to complete an adequate building team. We have that number of guys pending...to see if they can get off their jobs, raise funds, get passports, etc...but we hope to have the complete team in hand to start training before St Patrick's day. Thanks for praying that God will move dramatically in these guys lives and help them make the right decisions, very soon.

The training modules involve:
  1. Understanding the project and the work to be done
  2. Logistics and regulations
  3. Teaching on the Biblical concepts of "mission"
  4. Developing a strong prayer life/ prayer network
  5. Learning to give your spiritual testimony in the mission setting
  6. Cross-cultural ministry
  7. Personal qualifications for missionary service

(BELOIT, WI - June, 2006) Last Sunday afternoon, in a four hour session, we addressed # 1,2, 3, 7. On 11 June we will gather the team for a second session to address 3, 7 (again), and 4,5,6. Then after we go to Africa, the team will meet again, under the direction of Buck Van Zandt (Project Manager) and Rudy Zuniga (Project Foreman) to tie up any loose ends in the preparations.

We take seriously our responsibility to send out well- prepared missionaries, whether short-term or not. This is one of the reasons that God has made us as effective as we have been since 1993 and why we've been able to establish on-going, quality relationships with indigenuous Christian leaders in many countries.

(BELOIT, WI - February, 2006  Timothy Ministries is forming a NACO Mission Team for July in Mexico. Please pray that God will "seal the deal" for several guys. We've gotten 7 definite commitments and need between 5 to 7 more to complete an adequate building team. We have that number of guys pending...to see if they can get off their jobs, raise funds, get passports, etc...but we hope to have the complete team in hand to start training before St Patrick's day. Thanks for praying that God will move dramatically in these guys lives and help them make the right decisions, very soon.

Buck and Mary Van Zandt, with Rudy and Marty Zuniga, are preparing to take a Timothy Team to Naco, Mexico from 8 to 21 July, to assist Indian Trails Mission to build a tabernacle Meeting Hall for their Indian Training Centre, where Native American and Mexican pastors are trained in Bible, Leadership, and Pastoral Ministry. This is our first work in Mexico as Timothy Ministries. It is part of God's development of our North American mission, after successful ministries in Boyceville, WI and New Orleans, LA in 2005.

An urgent prayer request for these next few months is that God open the doors for the beginning of new mission outreach as we look ahead to 2006-10. Like many mission groups, we suffered a reduction in contributions in 2005, due to the natural disasters that required charitable giving to meet immediate and critical needs. We, too, made donations for Tsunami, Fire, and Hurricane Relief.  If we are to really entertain invitations to minister in the years ahead (especially on new fields), Timothy Ministries must be adequately funded. We are praying for new donors and new partners in mission, right here at home. Will you pray about your role in supporting the quiet work of Timothy Ministries, with prayer and funding for the future? Thank you.

(BELOIT, WI - October, 2005)  On Sunday, 2 October, Larry and Sue began a 6075 mile trip to speak at several mission conferences, mission gatherings, and local churches across the American West. Representing their mission workers and Timothy Ministries, they made stops in Lincoln, NB, Burlington, and Grand Junction, CO, Las Vegas, NV, Wasco, Coalinga, and Bakersfield, CA, Flagstaff, Pinetop, Mesa, and Apache Junction, AZ, Albuquerque, Roswell, and Las Cruces, NM, Big Spring and McKinney, TX, and Sullivan, MO before returning home. They shared pictures, artifacts, and stories of God's mighty work, especially in South Africa, that they have seen and heard in their own missionary experiences. Through preaching, teaching, and even some unplanned moments of personal encouragement and counsel, Larry and Sue felt very well used of the Lord. A common theme which seemed to resonate everywhere they went was, "If you see the mission fields of the world, you CAN BETTER see the mission field right in your own home town.." One of their great causes is to help American Christians in local churches see that they, too, are on a mission field, right at home. When people stop seeing themselves as "church members" and start seeing themselves a "servant-hearted missionaries", the church begins to move forward on its own path.

Larry and Sue were hosted by wonderful Christian friends and supporters. They want to extend a loving thank you to Carl & Nancy, Ernest & Thelma, Shannon, Paul & Eleanor, Skip & Betty, Steve, Pinson & Donna, Arnie & Gloria, Wilma, Nathan & Amy, and Bill & Donna, And thank you to all who gave gifts, took time for the Corrells, and offered real Christ-like friendship all along the way. They are very grateful to the folks at Hope Congregational, Grace Community Church, CEF/New Mexico, Faith E. Free Church, Grace Church, Desert Bible Chapel, and Hillcrest Christian Church for being the "travel anchors" at various stages of a long and arduous deputation ministry.

Larry and Sue arrived home and immediately began planning for new outreaches in North America, Africa, and Europe in 2006-07. At the same time that the Corrells were on the road preaching and giving mission reports, a Timothy Team was hard at work in New Orleans, helping in the clean-up and reconstruction after Hurricane Katrina.  Led by Rudy and Marty Zuniga, a team of nine short-term Timothy workers from Wisconsin and Illinois assisted PRC/Compassion by doing hands-on mission work under the auspices of Hosanna Fellowship Church, near the Ninth Ward. Clean-up, building projects, food distribution, and Bible
hand-outs were the orders for the days

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The team of Rudy, Marty, Liz, Judy, Dick, Steve, Gary, Bob, and Dan were commended by a New Orleans pastor as among the hardest workers and the most servant-hearted of all the volunteer groups. They represented our Lord Jesus Christ, Timothy Ministries, and their local churches in a very admirable fashion. Lives are always changed when lives are surrendered to Jesus in humble service. The verse, "Do unto the least of these..." really comes alive!

In 2005, Timothy Ministries workers have been in Belgium, England, Scotland, South Africa, Romania, Boyceville,WI, across the American West and Midwest, and in New Orleans. It has been a magnificent year of quiet, simple work in the Kingdom for Jesus Christ. May God get all the glory.

Timothy Ministries  Clare Cottage  1724 Crescent Drive Beloit, WI 53511  USA  
© 2005 Timothy Ministries