TIMOTHY PASTTimothy Ministries has a history that trails back to 1960. It was the year that Larry Correll and Susan Winey met. Both believers in Jesus Christ, they were married in 1965. God has blessed them with a lifetime of Christian ministry, family and friends, and world adventure. Susan was born in Kansas City, Missouri and adopted into an Indiana family. Raised in an evangelical Methodist Church, she received Jesus as her own personal Saviour when she was eleven. At 16, she made a commitment to follow her Lord as a missionary. Little did she know that God would honor her decision, at first, through many years as a pastor's wife here in America.
Larry grew up in Mishawaka, Indiana and asked Christ into his heart at 16, beginning his lifelong walk the Lord. They enrolled and graduated, together, from Taylor University. Early in their marriage, Larry and Susan were sent to pastor two small country churches in central Indiana. It was then that they began their family which, today, numbers three adult children, spouses, and their twelve grandchildren. During many years of pastoring local churches, Susan also earned her Masters Degree as a K-12 Reading Teacher and became a specialist in Developmental Education. Larry completed his graduate ministry degree at Christian Theological Seminary, and earned his Doctor of Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary while serving as senior pastor at churches in Indiana, Michigan, California, and Wisconsin. He also served as a faculty member and chaplain at two colleges and was elected President of Piedmont College in Georgia. But a heart attack in 1980, from which he was later divinely healed, made it impossible to fulfill that position at the time. God used all of these experiences as His preparation for what was to come.
As American church leaders, both Larry and Susan were active in Bible teaching & missionary training, music ministry, leadership development, and the "rescue and revival" of struggling churches. In 1993, they answered a new call to serve as missionaries in England, where their responsibilities expanded to include both western and eastern Europe. In 1996, Larry and Susan founded Timothy Ministries, a Mission Bible
Fellowship that works to "rescue & revive" struggling churches and leaders. In 1999, the mission work grew to encompass preaching and teaching in South Africa. Since the early 90s, God has blessed Larry and Susan with effective ministry across Europe, Africa, and North America, where they've partnered and worked with many American, British, Irish, Belgian, Romanian, Russian, Xhosa, Zulu, and Congolese Christians, in local churches.
Little did these two young people know what lay ahead when they said "Yes" to Jesus all those years ago ... Bible College teaching, evangelism, leadership training,
Educational development, planting new congregations, and the rescue of many older churches to a new and bright future. Thank you for reading this brief history of the people the Lord has used to birth Timothy Ministries. May God get all the Glory!
TIMOTHY PRESENTThe Statement of Faith that governs the beliefs and commitments of the workers of Timothy Ministries is as follows:
Doctrinal Statement
We believe...
the supernatural and plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (Old Testament and New Testament), that they are inerrant and that their teaching and authority are final, supreme, and absolute in all matters of faith and life.
the Trinity of the Godhead; the personality and deity of Jesus Christ, begotten of the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, fully God and fully man, God incarnate in flesh, and the personality of the Holy Spirit.
the sinfulness of man, that all human beings are born with a sinful nature,, are totally depraved and separated from God, and need a Saviour from sin.
the atonement, that Jesus Christ became the sinner's sacrifice before God when He shed His blood and died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. He is mankind's only Saviour and Lord.
the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, that He was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures, that He ascended into heaven, and is the the believer's Righteousness and Advocate.
the necessity of the new birth, that salvation is by grace, through faith, and not of works; and that personal faith, by the grace of God, will bring good works into the life of the believer.
the literal resurrection of the body, both of the saved and the unsaved.
the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the unsaved.
the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling power and fullness the Body of Christ, and the individual believer within it, may live a fruitful life and glorify God.
the efficacy of the Body of Christ on earth and its unity, liberty, and active obedience toward God.
the evangelisation of the world and that the supreme mission of the people of God is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child in a way that they can understand. the second coming of Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures.
Timothy Ministries (2 Timothy 2: 2)
Adopted: 7 April, 1996 by the Board of Directors
Rugby, Warwickshire, England & Beloit, WI, USA
Timothy Ministries is a Bible-based, Christ-centred, non-denominational mission that is supported by and works among born-again believers in Congregational, Baptist, Evangelical Free, Methodist, Pentecostal, Anglican, Brethren, Independent, Bible, and Community churches in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Our 2010 Board of Directors and volunteer staff include Rev. Dr. Philip & Jean Allen, Ron & Jean DiBenardo (secretary), Rev. Richard Thompson (US treasurer), Joseph & Dawn Correll, Rudolpho & Martha Zuniga, all of Wisconsin; Ray Watts (communications) of Ohio; Lesley (UK treasurer) and John Robinson of England.
Timothy Ministries is a mission fellowship, chartered in Wisconsin, USA, with tax- exempt 501 (c) (3) charitable status. All contributions to Timothy Ministries are receipted and year-end tax statements are provided to donors, upon request. Timothy Ministries does not give money, only manpower, to help the local church.
TIMOTHY FUTUREAs Larry and Susan Correll and their teammates look ahead, they see a clear focus for mission ministry. It is based on 2 Timothy 2: 2 ..... proclaiming the Bible, in Holy Spirit power, with prayerful obedience to Christ, to strengthen the people of God and help "rescue and revive" churches and Christian leaders, until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They stand squarely on the Word of God, in 1 Corinthians 16: 9, that indicates that it is the Lord who "opens doors for effective ministry". For the next three years the Corrells, and the workers of Timothy Ministries, will concentrate on open doors among the churches of North America and the U.K.
Timothy Ministries, as an experienced home mission in the English-speaking world, will more clearly focus on offereing the local church:
"Interim Pastorates" to help your congregation through transitional times
"Timothy Teams" of short-term missionaries who can come to encourage your church with their personal testimonies for Jesus Christ
"Revival Preaching" by Dr. Correll, upon invitation by local churches
"The Servant-Hearted Leader" workshops to help train church staffs, elders, deacons/deaconesses, and church workers in the biblical principles for effective leadership
"Mission-hearted Church" seminars to help your people see their parish or their community as a mission field "ripe for harvest"
Larry and Susan, and their teammates worldwide, want to be available to the Lord and His local churches across America to help strengthen and encourage congregations to do what Christ has asked them to do in His Name, until He comes again. Their motto is "Bible in hand, Christ in the heart, the Church in revival!"
Timothy Ministries
Clare Cottage, 1724 Crescent Dr.
Beloit, WI 53511 USA
Dr. Larry Correll
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