Timothy Ministries Clare Cottage 1724 Crescent Drive Beloit, WI 53511 USA Phone: Fax:


As Larry and Susan Correll and their teammates look ahead, they see a clear focus for mission ministry. It is based on 2 Timothy 2: 2 ..... proclaiming the Bible, in Holy Spirit power, with prayerful obedience to Christ, to strengthen the people of God and help "rescue and revive" churches and Christian leaders, until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

They stand squarely on the Word of God, in 1 Corinthians 16: 9, that indicates that it is the Lord who "opens doors for effective ministry". For the next three years the Corrells, and the workers of Timothy Ministries, will concentrate on open doors among the churches of North America and the U.K.

Timothy Ministries, as an experienced home mission in the English-speaking world, will more clearly focus on offereing the local church:

"Interim Pastorates" to help your congregation through transitional times

"Timothy Teams" of short-term missionaries who can come to encourage your church with their personal testimonies for Jesus Christ

"Revival Preaching" by Dr. Correll, upon invitation by local churches

"The Servant-Hearted Leader" workshops to help train church staffs, elders, deacons/deaconesses, and church workers in the biblical principles for effective leadership

"Mission-hearted Church" seminars to help your people see their parish or their community as a mission field "ripe for harvest"

Larry and Susan, and their teammates worldwide, want to be available to the Lord and His local churches across America to help strengthen and encourage congregations to do what Christ has asked them to do in His Name, until He comes again. Their motto is "Bible in hand, Christ in the heart, the Church in revival!"

Timothy Ministries Clare Cottage 1724 Crescent Drive Beloit,